Titanium Mobile 1.3 Android Preview Part 2: Launching Videos from WebView

by Bill Dawson on 30 April 2010

This is Part 2 of a series of posts about what’s coming up for Android development in the new Appcelerator Titanium Mobile SDK 1.3, which is coming next week.

Here in Part 2, I feature the ability of the WebView control to handle mime types for videos and then launch the full-screen video player appropriately. This magic was programmed by Marshall Culpepper (@marshall_law.)

In this short video, I show the Android emulator running a small Titanium app that contains just a label (the one that reads “WebView control showing http…”) and a WebView control that is displaying Marshall’s Vimeo page. I click on one of Marshall’s videos, which takes me to that video’s page. I then click on the play button for that video, which successfully launches the video player. That last step would not have worked in prior versions.

Nice job, Marshall!

Stay tuned for more Android goodness!

Unk April 30, 2010 at 5:47 pm


My main request for Titanium Mobile for Android is to support sending Intents to native apps. This would let developers to interface with preinstalled, completely native apps that do things like accept the ACTION_SEND intent to share with people on using the apps that the user already has installed rather than the Titanium developer having to bundle these features with their app themselves.

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